1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
There are some settings that you can change to suit your preferences and make navigating and using the hub easier.
The 'My Course' area on the hub page will display and give access to all the modules you are enrolled in. As you continue each year this list will grow with current modules and modules from previous years. You have the option to order the list and completely hide modules that you do not want to see.
How to organise your module list
- Hover over 'My Courses' module and click on the cog icon in the top right hand corner to access 'Manage My Courses Module Settings'.
- From this page, you can choose to group modules by term, hide modules, by un-selecting them, and choose which information you would like summarised in your module list.
You can watch a short video showing How to organise your module List
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